1. Open Applescript Editor inside your Applications/Utilities folder (In OS X 10.5 this app is called Script Editor and found at Applications/Applescript)
2. Paste the following 7 lines into a new document window:
set theText to the clipboard
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "¶ "
set theText to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set theText to theText as string
set the clipboard to theText
tell application "Microsoft Word" to paste special (text object of selection) data type paste text
(The last line of that script is kind of long, so make sure you do have it all on one line.)
3. Save the AppleScript as a script in ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items
(which is Word's user info inside the Documents folder of your Home folder).
3. Save the AppleScript as a script in ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items
(which is Word's user info inside the Documents folder of your Home folder).
4. Give the script a descriptive name such as "Paste Scripture" but also add "\cV" (without the quotation marks) to the end of the name. This sets the keyboard combination to Control-v. (for more info on adding keyboard shortcuts, have a look here.)
5. From now on, in Word, you can hit Control-v to run the script which will remove the Pilcrows ¶ and paste unformatted text into your document.