All things Apple technology for biblical scholarship and ministry. Providing help and ideas for bible scholars and ministers using Apple computers and devices as a tool for doing their work. Also includes discussion of NT Synoptic Gospel studies.
August 25, 2011
Updated Accordance File Type Fixer for Intel
Sometimes, when you move files around, backup and restore, etc., files can lose their associated file type and creator type. For your Accordance files, this is where the Accordance File Type Fixer comes to the rescue. I recently updated the package to include new versions for Intel and Lion. You can find it on the Downloads page.
May 08, 2011
Applescript to remove and add login items
The login items for your user account in system preference is where you set applications to launch anytime you login to your computer, including restarts. My recent switch back to Quicksilver prompted the compilation of this script, which shows code that will remove other launchers from startup status and ensure that QS is set.
-- Script to remove other launchers from login items and add Quicksilver
-- Script to remove other launchers from login items and add Quicksilver
tell application "Finder" to set QSpath to POSIX path of (application file id "com.blacktree.Quicksilver" as string)
tell application "System Events"
if login item "LaunchBar" exists then delete login item "LaunchBar"
if login item "Alfred" exists then delete login item "Alfred"
if (login item "Quicksilver" exists) is false then make new login item at end of login items with properties {path:QSpath, hidden:true, kind:application, name:"Quicksilver"}
end tell
May 04, 2011
I Do Love Me Some Quicksilver
QS went abandoned for quite some time, and I spent some weeks trying out LaunchBar and the newer, underpowered AlfredApp. I sorta settle on LB, but the result was that I spent as much time clicking in the Spotlight window as I did invoking LB. Well this has changed with the release of the new stable version of QS. Updates are coming regular. Quicksilver has a new home at and they maintain a blog that keeps up a fantastic pace of tips and tutorial at LoveQuicksilver. If I sound giddy, it's because I am.
April 01, 2011
Hebrew in Lead Codices Turns Out to be Sindarin
The Telegraph has some of the best covereage regarding the newly discussed Lead Codices. This latest identification of the script itself is more than surprising.
March 29, 2011
Right of Return for Possibly-Fake Lead Codices
News this week is covering a set of lead codices with possibly some form of Hebrew, allegedly an early Christian text. You can follow good coverage from Jim Davila, as always. The truth of the matter is that little should be sensationalized until they have been openly studied.
But one aspect of the story intrigues me. Given that there is at least a good chance these are yet another fake (though perhaps not), we have a government throwing their full weight behind its authenticity, for the sake of the asset, but the Jordanian government doesn't even possess them. From the BBC:
But one aspect of the story intrigues me. Given that there is at least a good chance these are yet another fake (though perhaps not), we have a government throwing their full weight behind its authenticity, for the sake of the asset, but the Jordanian government doesn't even possess them. From the BBC:
A flash flood had exposed two niches inside the cave, one of them marked with a menorah or candlestick, the ancient Jewish religious symbol. A Jordanian Bedouin opened these plugs, and what he found inside might constitute extremely rare relics of early Christianity.I have posted previously on the question of 'right of return' of stolen artifacts (vis a vis Parthenon friezes and the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum). When potential monetization takes a front seat, things will get muddy. This now becomes a hodge-podge of self-interest, and I doubt any scholarly conclusion can be found for many years to come.
That is certainly the view of the Jordanian government, which claims they were smuggled into Israel by another Bedouin. The Israeli Bedouin who currently holds the books has denied smuggling them out of Jordan, and claims they have been in his family for 100 years.Jordan says it will "exert all efforts at every level" to get the relics repatriated.
February 04, 2011
The Promising MacBook Air
After seeing the new (2010) MacBook Airs in the wild, it will be hard not to go that direction when it's time to move to a new MacBook. They are amazing, and the only thing at this point is sacrifices is hard drive space and a slot to stick in that CD/DVD in. As such, it is a game changer regarding what MacBook I'd recommend. I think I used the optical drive in my MacBook about 5 times last year. Given that I'll still have a desktop and a cloud to handle backup and the occasional disk need, the Air becomes such a viable option. For me, really, the processor speed is the main issue, since I occasionally do some intensive work on the machine. However, I have one big concern, and that is the upgradeability of the memory.
I'd buy an 11" Air immediately, except for my concerns about being able to upgrade the SSD hard drive later on. My inclination would be to pony up for just the minimum SSD memory and then upgrade later once SSD prices have gone down. But, Apple has killed the first 3rd party attempt at an upgrade kit, and the future is shaky. If this is the "future of the MacBook," is the future an inability to DIY expand your memory?
From watching the teardown pictures of folks getting inside the Air, getting to and removing the Flash Storage Unit is a piece of cake. But when PhotoFast came out with the first 3rd party upgrade kit, the 256GB MacBook Air SSD upgrade kit, Apple killed it. OWC has now announced the Mercury Aura Pro Express SSD MacBook Upgrade kit. But worries are that it will be short lived, too. Why is Apple keen on killing the 3rd party upgrades to the MacBook Air? It was a custom, SSD modules soldered onto a a memory board solution that Apple created, but it is a shame that things are shaky in this area, especially given how easy the access is to the memory board.
I am eagerly watching Apple's response, if any, to OWC. If none comes, then there is a good chance that my next MacBook will be of the Airy ilk.
I'd buy an 11" Air immediately, except for my concerns about being able to upgrade the SSD hard drive later on. My inclination would be to pony up for just the minimum SSD memory and then upgrade later once SSD prices have gone down. But, Apple has killed the first 3rd party attempt at an upgrade kit, and the future is shaky. If this is the "future of the MacBook," is the future an inability to DIY expand your memory?
From watching the teardown pictures of folks getting inside the Air, getting to and removing the Flash Storage Unit is a piece of cake. But when PhotoFast came out with the first 3rd party upgrade kit, the 256GB MacBook Air SSD upgrade kit, Apple killed it. OWC has now announced the Mercury Aura Pro Express SSD MacBook Upgrade kit. But worries are that it will be short lived, too. Why is Apple keen on killing the 3rd party upgrades to the MacBook Air? It was a custom, SSD modules soldered onto a a memory board solution that Apple created, but it is a shame that things are shaky in this area, especially given how easy the access is to the memory board.
I am eagerly watching Apple's response, if any, to OWC. If none comes, then there is a good chance that my next MacBook will be of the Airy ilk.