January 12, 2016

Taming the Symbols in Accordance

In the latest release of Accordance Bible software, one of the new features is the addition of Highlight Symbols. These function identically to previous word highlighting, but place instead symbols below words you attach them to. The image set that comes included in Accordance is clearly intended to be kid friendly (fun?). As a result, the color choices are not unified and lack any consistent style. So, if you find the image palette rather unpalatable, just alter them.
To find the resource folder of the images:

  1. Right-click or Control-click on the Accordance application icon in a Finder window.
  2. Select "Show Package Contents"
  3. Navigate to /Contents/Resources/  where you will see a "watermarks' folder with images 1 thru 130.
  4. Backup that folder elsewhere to be safe.
  5. Quit Accordance and have fun editing the images.

You can download a set of updated images that you see in this post. They add a consistent bluish-greyish color theme on top of Accordance's default images. You can install them by dragging the icons into the watermarks folder you navigated to. The images are available here.

Note: Here's an example of doing the same kind of thing in Dropbox, altering images in the application bundle to customize your look.