All things Apple technology for biblical scholarship and ministry. Providing help and ideas for bible scholars and ministers using Apple computers and devices as a tool for doing their work. Also includes discussion of NT Synoptic Gospel studies.
January 13, 2005
Through email and various listservs I participate in, and in response to material on my web page, I am often involved in discussing and/or helping with issues regarding the doing of biblical scholarship using Macintosh tools. I had thought there must surely be a place that focuses on issues particular to bible scholars in the Macintosh arena, but as I thought about it, alas there is not. I have done most of my online interaction via email and on listservs (applescript-users and others at Apple, B-Greek, Accordance Forum, Synoptic-L, XTalk, and various less active ones), but I do occasionally peruse a few of the biblioblogs (Mark Goodacre's NT Gateway Weblog foremost among them). Normally when I wish to make something available on the web, I create my own web pages, but I thought I'd experiment with this whole blogging thing as a way to make such a forum available, though I must confess it seems rather egocentric. Does the format necessarily emphasize the personality of the provider? Does the messenger become as important as the message? And, is that really a bad thing? For surely, the real difference in blogging, in contrast to web page development, is the transparency with which we see the one providing the substance.
We'll see how it goes.
ThankYouThankYouThankYou for starting this blog! I am really looking forward to regular reading, and I've added a link from my own blog. I'm a die-hard Mac user -- all the more so for having to use Windoze machines at various points in my work life -- and I'm looking forward to a Mac-centric take on computing for biblical scholars.