November 12, 2005

Looking forward to SBL (If I can find a place to stay)

I have decided to change my mind at the last minute and make it to SBL. (Anybody know anyone who needs a roommate?)

It seems some of our established bibliobloggers and the topic of biblioblogging in general will play a prominent roll, particularly in the CARG session. Mark Goodacre sets up panel discussion of the session with a list of good quesions.

A couple comments on them:
Question #1 is a tough one. It's great to explore the phenomenon of "just what is a biblioblog," but in the end it doesn't prove entirely helpful. Some biblioblogs really aren't (perhaps mine), but they are depending upon one's point of view. (Was The Macintosh Biblioblog the first biblioblog to use the name biblioblog?)

As for Question #2, I would just note that, not surprisingly, there is a disproportionate number of PhD students counted. (Present company included.)

As for Question #3 and #4, I maintain The Mac Biblioblog because it's something that I can contribute. The emails I get are mostly from professors and ministers who often learn quite a bit about tools for practicing their vocation. I have been a (adjunct) professor and have been a church pastor for over a decade, so I have some insight into both perspectives.

As for #6, I for now resist blogging on topics that are off topic. I consider from time to time other solutions, such as Category RSS feeds.

As for #7, #8, and #9, I think the definition for #1 has something to do with the interrelatedness among bibliobloggers and a vocational field. However, I think we have already long passed the state where "everyone" can (or should even want to) keep up with "everyone". I have a dual-purpose blog... I read a horde of technological blogs along with a sampling of biblioblogs. Quite some time ago, I reduced my blog feeds to those of greatest interest and help to me. (I would note that blogs with a large amount of personal blogging were the first to hit the trash can.)
I do think that an increase in team blogs is a good thing. They can offer much, they emphasize the connection among scholars, and they do best at staying on topic.
Wouldn't it be great to see a Historical Jesus blog by 3 scholars who represent different schools? I call for a Synoptic Problem team blog by Eric Eve, Leonard Maluf, and [insert 3rd name here]. (Well, you get the idea.)

My 2¢.

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