July 15, 2006

Where, o where have my old web pages gone?

Well, I'm back after a month away. Church camp, church choir trip, and family vacation aside--it's good to be back and back in a routine. Lots to talk about, especially enjoying this new 20" iMac Intel that our family has been enjoying and using six ways to Sunday. (Where does this phrase come from, anyway?). We look at family picture slideshows, dance to music videos, play endlessly with Photobooth, and am I ever getting some serious synoptic tables up on this screen.

One thing I discovered upon return from being away is that my old web pages at my student space at TCU (where I'm a PhD candidate) have disappeared. They changed the URL location, so now my 3 years of lectionary sermon archives, and other hobby pages such as the astronomy sketches dropped to a couple hits a day. The sidebar here included some links to the site, but I'm thinking now of taking it all down. Some things may make their way back into another form. I'm considering putting the old "This Weaks' Hermeneutic" pages into a new blogspace.

I have very little time for such work. So, for now, I'm taking it all down (don't want it archiving in Google in a new space I don't plan on using).

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