September 18, 2006

Word 2007 for Mac Details

Have a look at this interview with a glimpse of what's coming next year with the new release of Microsoft Word 2007 for Mac. It is a little sketchy on details. Updated UI and Universal Binary. This was a big undertaking for any older application:
Last month, they completed the transition to Apple%u2019s Xcode, which forms the basis for the Universal binaries that are compatible with new Intel-based Macs as well as older PowerPC machines. %u201CThis was a huge milestone for us%u201D Starman says with equal parts pride and relief. %u201CWe had to move from the CodeWare compiler, we were dealing with millions of lines of code and we still had old code that was written in Assembly, so it%u2019s been a long process to switch everything over and for our developers to learn the new tools.
No mention, of course, of any attention to support for Unicode Hebrew right to left support.

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  1. unrelated to this post, but have you seen where to get the ESV for Macsword? I saw on another blog where a guy had a screenshot of a beta version of ESV.

  2. ESV for the Sword Project is still in development. From what I see, a draft is done, and now it is "waiting for Win32 verification and release." To stay up on such matters, you can explore subscribe to the development elist at .

    You can also see screenshots at:
    and look in the modules list... you'll see it.
