Typing Hebrew on MacOSX
Thanks to Chris Heard on Higgaion who has posted two videos on typing Hebrew on Mac OS X which are designed to:
introduce students to typing in Hebrew on a Macintosh.
All things Apple technology for biblical scholarship and ministry. Providing help and ideas for bible scholars and ministers using Apple computers and devices as a tool for doing their work. Also includes discussion of NT Synoptic Gospel studies.
Thanks to Chris Heard on Higgaion who has posted two videos on typing Hebrew on Mac OS X which are designed to:
introduce students to typing in Hebrew on a Macintosh.
Tags: unicode
I've added some options to the Accordance to Pages Citation Paster. All of these new options can be changed by opening the script and altering a property value. Version 0.9 includes:
Tags: accordance, applescript, pages
I am making publicly available my "Accordance to Pages Citation Paster" script.
Accordance to Pages Citation Paster
version 0.7
The Accordance to Pages Citation Paster is created to work with the bibliographical citation function within Accordance Bible Software in Accordance 8.4 and up. Using that function, you can paste in copied text as well as a footnote in word processors such as Microsoft Word. However, a shortcoming of iWorks Pages does not permit footnotes to be pasted into a document. This script is a workaround for that shortcoming. In addition, the script can by default also include the task of Copy as Citation in Accordance before bringing Pages to the front and pasting in the citation, so you can do it all in one command.
The Accordance to Pages Citation Paster script:
-- Can optionally Copy as Citation from Accordance first if it is the frontmost app.
-- Can optionally insert an empty footnote if none detected in the citation.
To install: Leave 'Put bibliography details as footnote' UNchecked in Accordance preferences in order to copy a citation format this script can use.
It can be launched from the typical script locations. For information about launching the script in the system wide Script Menu run the Applescript Editor and check the help files.
If you want to assign a keyboard shortcut to run the script, you'll have to use a tool like
Quicksilver ( http://www.blacktree.com/ )
or FastScripts ( http://www.red-sweater.com/fastscripts/ ). For a simple, system-wide key combo trigger I'd recommend FastScripts. The script can also be launched from utilities like Butler, LaunchBar, Automator, or even Services. (Do your own research on how to do so, please.)
If you open the script in the Finder, it will not run, it will open it up in Applescript Editor. There are a couple options you can tweak inside the editor. The beginning of the script includes this:
You can change copyCitationFromAccordance from true to false to prevent the script from doing the Copy as Citation within Accordance.
You can change insertEmptyFootnote from false to true to have the script insert an empty Footnote when pasting a citation that does not include one.
You can also change the script's speed to ensure stability or try and speed it up (by setting the n property to 0
Note: You didn't pay for this, so you get no implied warranties or guarantees for it. (If you do send me a donation, then you can demand any guarantee you like.)
Note: The author is not associated with OakTree software and the Accordance folks are not responsible for the support, use or content of this script.
Written by Joe Weaks, November 13, 2009
Available at The Macintosh Biblioblog
Tags: accordance, applescript, pages