September 30, 2012

Using Accordance Automation

I hope to post some video tutorials soon for the newly added Accordance Automation Script Library on using the:

  • Services
  • Quicksilver Actions
  • Word Plugin

Let me know if installation has had any problems. One issue, is that the need for some to allow Access for Assistive Devices got left out of the new documentation.

Go to System Preferences, the Accessibility panel. Make sure you have selected "Enable access for Assistive Devices".
This allows the script library to select menu items and put text in search boxes in Accordance.

September 29, 2012

Accordance Automation

Accordance Inter-application Automation is back.

Available the new version of the Accordance Script Library and OS X Services, as well as new Quicksilver Actions and the addition of a Microsoft Word Plugin—all rewritten to work with OS X 10.7+ and Accordance 10.

Find the Accordance Automation Tools in the Downloads section of the Macintosh Biblioblog.

You use Accordance and you love it. What could be better? Instant access to Accordance Texts and Tools from whatever app you're using on your Mac.

"What's that? You're reading a PDF journal article or a web page about the proximity of Shechem to a mountain pass? Just highlight shechem and in one keystroke or menu selection you can have Accordance to the front, displaying Shechem in a Map window. I'm not kidding you."

"Or, want to quickly, insert the text of Psalm 20 into your current document, from the translation of your choosing? It's all right at your fingertips, and never taking your fingers off the keyboard if you like. Such a workflow becomes pure muscle memory."

These tools allow you to:

A. instantly jump to Accordance from any other app running a search in any module type you want, using the current text selection or a search text you enter.


B. remain where you are in your current application and paste in a full text instantly, from whichever text-module you want, using a text selection or search text you enter, without ever bringing Accordance to the front. (This is similar to the Accordance Widget, but with seamless integration.)

Other options include speaking text, copying it to the clipboard, and showing the text in a quick display.

These functions are initiated by quick key combos, or menu items, or contextual menu items. Your choice. The Services are a built-in automation tool in Mac OS X. The Services menu is found in the app menu, or in a contextual menu. Further, you can assign global or app-specific keyboard combos to activate them.  (The functions of the Service are duplicated by the Quicksilver Actions for those who use Quicksilver.)

Download the package, and read the documentation in the ReadMe files, with screenshots, to get more information of the magic that is possible.

September 18, 2012

Accordance Services Collection Update Soon

The Accordance Services Collection pack and script engine will be coming soon. I want to release an updated collection with a couple code enhancements and test the whole script engine with the new Accordance 10. The new interface of Acc10 has broken some functions.
If you are a current user of the Accordance Services Collection, please send me any reports on what is still working in Acc10 and what used to work for you but is broken.

It should be a matter of days before I get them released.