November 17, 2016

Please Don't Phase out Mac Automation

News broke this week that Apple has eliminated the position of Product Manager of Automation Technologies. Sal was the primary advocate for the continued success and implementation of Applescript and System Services for macOS.
This does not bode well for the future support of Applescript and System Services. I'm guessing Apple wants to phase them out in favor of adopting Siri for everything. The problem is, Siri is not a substitute for the kind of inter-application use many of us rely on. I use scripting daily for my workflows. And, it was essential for some of my research, including my dissertation, over the years.

If you have found any scripts or services useful in your work, including those for Accordance, feel free to join others tweeting out that plea to Apple, using the hash tag #AskApple. 
Here was my tweet:
Worried that Apple eliminated the Product Manager of Automation Technologies. I need Applescript for my academic work. Is all ok?  #AskApple

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