B-Greek Search Widget
Carl Conrad mentioned to me the ongoing woes of searching the B-Greek archives. For those who don't know, the Biblical Greek email listserv has been active for years. It has been a place to discuss matters regarding learning, teaching and exploring Biblical Greek. The archives contain a treasure in and of themselves, but the listserv doesn't provide easy searching capability.
So, I wrote this little Dashboard Widget for Mac users (10.4 and up) to have easy access to searching the web archives. You may download the B-Greek Search Widget here.
Additional info: Carl Conrad has offered this helpful tip on searching the archives:
I simply put the BG transliteration ARKETON into the search box and immediately my browser went to the relevant posts in the current archives...See another search option in this later post.
I would note that, although you can search for scripture citations (e.g. Matthew 6:34), there's such variety of citation modes (Mt 6:34, Mt. 6:34, Mt 6.34, Mt. 6.34, Matt. 6:34, ..., Matthew 6:34 ...) that no particular mode chosen is likely to hit on every item in the archives that deals with the text in question. I have found that a search that uses the standard B-Greek transliteration of a key word or phrase in the passage you're looking for makes a more serviceable search term for getting most of what's useful in the archives.
χάριν σοι πλείστην οἶδα, φίλε ᾿Ιωσηφ!ὡσαύτως καὶ οἱ ἄλλοι ’ἕτεροι φρονοῦντες’ ἴσασίν σοι χάριν πλείστην.
Would this widget be useful for Windows users (browsing with Mozilla Firefox?)
See the second post for an option for Windows users:
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