November 21, 2005

SBL (Sunday) - Revenge of the Totes!!!

I hadn't planned on posting about my experiences each day here at SBL (the professional bible academy conference), but it seems to be working out that way.

I started the day at breakfast with Disciples of Christ scholars and then went straight to the CARG Biblioblog session. I don't feel a need to discuss that at iength, knowing that others will take up that task. But I will say that what was clear was that we have different folks with very; different motives/missions doing these blogs.

The papers I heard today have been unremarkable (no pun intended here, Stephen, regarding the Mark section).

Best so far would be the special session on the new Tel Zayit inscription. I saw Jim there, so am sure he'll cover the story. I'm waiting to luck into that session that wows me. It definitely did not happen when this afternoon i wandered into a random paper with my new friend Ken Olson, only to be met with the assertion: 'A necklace of foreskins is not the best situation.'

One over-arching reflection is that in the presentations I've attended, the presenters aren't taking the time in their arguments to explain to me why I should care. Scholars, tell me what's at stake.

And speaking of what's at stake--what power of the universe insists on me having a tote bag? I registered... they offered me a tote bag. I had my name badge reprinted today... they tried again. And just when I thought I had avoided the cult, I went to buy Stephen's book at Baylor and before I knew what was happening, they handed it to me in a-you guessed it-a tote bag. Give me a nice shoulder strap any day.

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